Spiritual Gifts



  1. Introduction
  2. 1. Questionnaire for Evaluation
  3. 2. Results of the Survey
  4. 3. Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts


To whom and how are spiritual gifts given?

  1. Every believer is spiritually gifted (1 Peter 4:10-11, 1 Cor. 12:7, Eph. 4:7-8)
  2. Christians are encouraged to “eagerly desire” for spiritual gifts, especially those gifts that bring edification to the Church (1 Cor. 14:1,3; 1 Cor 12:31).
  3. The Holy Spirit decides who gets which gift just as God decided where each part of our body should be (1 Cor. 12:11, 18).
    NOTE: No one Christian has all of the gifts nor is any one gift common to all Christians (1 Cor. 12:12-18).
  4. Spiritual gifts may be imparted when a group of elders pray for a Christian while commissioning him for a particular task or office. In the first century, such prayer was usually accompanied by the laying on of hands. The impartation of the gift can be accompanied by a prophetic word that reveals the nature of the gift. (1 Tim 4:14)

What are the purposes of spiritual gifts?

  1. “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” – 1 Cor 12:7 NLT.
  2. When spiritual gifts are utilized with “all the strength and energy that God supplies,” it results in the glory of God – 1 Peter 4:10-11
  3. Those who receive the equipping gifts must equip other members of the church for the service Christ has called them. The proper use of spiritual gifts will cause all members of the Church to grow. When they grow, their understanding and experiential knowledge of God’s Son will increasingly grow perfect and identical (unity of faith and knowledge) – Eph. 4:12-13

Questionnaire for Evaluation

Spare 30 minutes for this evaluation designed to help you identify and develop your God-given spiritual gifts.

Rate how true each of these 96 statements is in your life. If a statement has two parts and if only part is true in your life, do not rate it with the hightest rating. Give the highest rating only to those statements that are completely true in your experience. After you complete this evaluation, check the next section to see the results.

1. I enjoy working behind the scenes, taking care of little details.
  Not at all
  A little
2. I usually step forward and assume leadership in a group where none exists.
  Not at all
  A little
3. When in a group, I tend to recognize and approach those who are sitting or standing alone.
  Not at all
  A little
4. I have the ability to recognize a need, and to get the job done, no matter how trivial the task.
  Not at all
  A little
5. I have the ability to organize ideas, people and projects with a specific goal.
  Not at all
  A little
6. People often say I have good spiritual judgment.
  Not at all
  A little
7. I am very confident of achieving great things for the glory of God.
  Not at all
  A little
8. I am asked to sing or play a musical instrument at church functions.
  Not at all
  A little
9. God has used me to communicate the gospel in a language unknown to me.
  Not at all
  A little
10. Through my prayers, God has made the impossible possible.
  Not at all
  A little
11. I have an ability to use my hands in a creative way to build and design things.
  Not at all
  A little
12. I have seen my prayers heal people.
  Not at all
  A little
13. I enjoy giving money to those in serious financial need.
  Not at all
  A little
14. I enjoy ministering to people in hospitals, prisons, or rest homes to comfort them.
  Not at all
  A little
15. I often have insights that offer practical solutions to difficult problems.
  Not at all
  A little
16. I have understood issues or problems in the church and seen answers when others did not.
  Not at all
  A little
17. I enjoy encouraging and giving counsel to those who are discouraged.
  Not at all
  A little
18. I have an ability to thoroughly study a passage of Scripture and then share it with others.
  Not at all
  A little
19. I presently have the responsibility for the spiritual growth of one or more young Christians.
  Not at all
  A little
20. Other people respect me as an authority in spiritual matters.
  Not at all
  A little
21. I have an ability to learn foreign languages.
  Not at all
  A little
22. God often reveals to me the direction He desires the body of Christ to move.
  Not at all
  A little
23. I enjoy spending time with non-Christians, especially with hopes of telling them about Jesus.
  Not at all
  A little
24. Whenever I hear reports on the news or in conversation about needy situations, I am burdened to pray.
  Not at all
  A little
25. I would like to assist the pastors or other leaders so they will have more time to accomplish their essential and priority ministries.
  Not at all
  A little
26. I do not mind asking others to accomplish an important ministry for the church.
  Not at all
  A little
27. I enjoy entertaining guests and making them feel “at home” when they visit
  Not at all
  A little
28. I enjoy serving others, no matter how simple or small the task.
  Not at all
  A little
29. I am a very organized person who sets goals and makes plans to reach them.
  Not at all
  A little
30. I am a good judge of character and can spot a spiritual phony.
  Not at all
  A little
31. I often step out and start projects that other people wouldn’t attempt and the projects are usually successful.
  Not at all
  A little
32. I believe I could sing well in the choir.
  Not at all
  A little
33. Praying in tongues is personally meaningful to me in my prayer life.
  Not at all
  A little
34. God has used me to make things happen which were far beyond human means.
  Not at all
  A little
35. I enjoy doing things like woodworking, crocheting, sewing, metal work, stained glass, etc..
  Not at all
  A little
36. I enjoy praying for God to heal those who are physically and emotionally ill.
  Not at all
  A little
37. I joyfully give money to the church well above my tithe.
  Not at all
  A little
38. I feel compassion for people who are hurting and lonely and like to spend considerable time with them to cheer them up.
  Not at all
  A little
39. God has enabled me to choose correctly between several complex options in an important decision when no one else knew what to do.
  Not at all
  A little
40. I enjoy studying difficult questions about God’s Word and I am able to find answers more easily and quickly than others.
  Not at all
  A little
41. People often tell me their problems and I encourage them.
  Not at all
  A little
42. When a question arises from a difficult Bible passage, I am motivated to research the answer.
  Not at all
  A little
43. I like to give of my own free time to meet other’s needs.
  Not at all
  A little
44. I would be willing and excited to start a new church.
  Not at all
  A little
45. I can adapt easily to other cultures, languages and lifestyles and would like to use my adaptability to minister in foreign countries.
  Not at all
  A little
46. I will always speak up for Christian principles even when what I say is not popular and people think I am narrow-minded or hard-headed.
  Not at all
  A little
47. I find it easy to invite a person to accept Jesus as their Savior.
  Not at all
  A little
48. I believe prayer is the most important thing Christians can do.
  Not at all
  A little
49. I enjoy relieving others of routine tasks so they can get special projects done.
  Not at all
  A little
50. I can guide and manage a group of people toward achieving a specific goal.
  Not at all
  A little
51. I enjoy meeting new people and introducing them to others in a group.
  Not at all
  A little
52. I am very dependable for getting things done on time and I do not need much praise or thanks.
  Not at all
  A little
53. I easily delegate significant responsibilities to other people.
  Not at all
  A little
54. I am able to distinguish between right and wrong in complex spiritual matters that other people cannot seem to figure out.
  Not at all
  A little
55. I trust in God’s faithfulness for a bright future, even when everything looks bad.
  Not at all
  A little
56. I enjoy singing and people say I have a good voice.
  Not at all
  A little
57. I have been overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit during prayer or worship and began to speak in other tongues.
  Not at all
  A little
58. God has blessed my prayers so that supernatural results have come from otherwise impossible situations.
  Not at all
  A little
59. I find satisfaction in meeting people’s needs by making something for them.
  Not at all
  A little
60. I am not afraid to speak boldly about evil in worldly systems, such as government.
  Not at all
  A little
61. God regularly speaks to me concerning people’s illnesses so that I can pray for them.
  Not at all
  A little
62. I want to do whatever I can for the needy people around me, even if I have to give up something.
  Not at all
  A little
63. People often seek my advice when they do not know what to do.
  Not at all
  A little
64. I have an ability to gather information from several sources to discover the answer to a question, or learn more about a subject.
  Not at all
  A little
65. I feel a need to challenge others to better themselves, especially in their spiritual growth, without condemning them.
  Not at all
  A little
66. Others listen to and enjoy my teaching of Scripture.
  Not at all
  A little
67. I enjoy working with people and desire to help them be the best person they can be for the Lord.
  Not at all
  A little
68. I am accepted as a spiritual authority in other parts of the country or world.
  Not at all
  A little
69. I would like to present the gospel in a foreign language, in a country whose culture andlifestyle is different than my own.
  Not at all
  A little
70. I feel a need to speak God’s messages from the Bible so people will know what God expects of them.
  Not at all
  A little
71. I would like to tell others how to become a Christian, and give them the invitation to receive Jesus in their life.
  Not at all
  A little
72. Many of my prayers for others have been answered by the Lord.
  Not at all
  A little
73. I enjoy helping others get their work done and do not need a lot of public recognition.
  Not at all
  A little
74. People respect my opinion and follow my direction.
  Not at all
  A little
75. I would like to use my home to get acquainted with newcomers and visitors to the church.
  Not at all
  A little
76. I enjoy helping people in any type of need and feel a sense of satisfaction in meeting that need.
  Not at all
  A little
77. I am comfortable making important decisions, even under pressure.
  Not at all
  A little
78. People come to me for help in distinguishing between spiritual truth and error.
  Not at all
  A little
79. I often exercise my faith through prayer, and God answers my prayers in exciting ways.
  Not at all
  A little
80. I believe the Lord could use me in the choir to deliver a message through song.
  Not at all
  A little
81. I have spoken in a language unknown to me that, when interpreted, brought a blessing to those who heard.
  Not at all
  A little
82. God uses me to work miracles for the glory of His kingdom.
  Not at all
  A little
83. People say I am gifted with my hands.
  Not at all
  A little
84. People often seek me out to pray for their physical healing.
  Not at all
  A little
85. When I give money to someone, I do not expect anything in return and often give anonymously.
  Not at all
  A little
86. When I hear of people without jobs who cannot pay their bills, I do what I can to help them.
  Not at all
  A little
87. God enables me to make appropriate application of Biblical truth to practical situations.
  Not at all
  A little
88. I can recognize difficult Biblical truths and principles on my own and I enjoy this.
  Not at all
  A little
89. People will tell me things they will not tell anyone else and say I am easy to talk to.
  Not at all
  A little
90. I am organized in my thinking and systematic in my approach to presenting Bible lessons to a group of people.
  Not at all
  A little
91. I help Christians who have wandered away from the Lord find their way back to a growing relationship with Him.
  Not at all
  A little
92. I would be excited to share the gospel and form new groups of Christians in areas where there are not many churches.
  Not at all
  A little
93. I have no racial prejudice and have a sincere appreciation for people very different from myself.
  Not at all
  A little
94. I find it relatively easy to apply Biblical promises to present day situations.
  Not at all
  A little
95. I have a strong desire to help non-Christians find salvation through Jesus Christ.
  Not at all
  A little
96. Prayer is my favorite ministry in the church and I spend a great deal of time at it.
  Not at all
  A little

Results of the Survey

Determine your gifting by the corresponding scores given in red. The four or five gifts with the highest ranking are the gifts you should focus on. If multiple rows show high ranking, you may have to prayerfully decide on a few God-given gifts. Remember, this is just the beginning of your journey of discovery. Please read through the following sections too.


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Pastoral Care

Description of Gifts


The ability to invest the talents one has in the life and ministry of other members of the body, thus enabling others to increase the effectiveness of their own spiritual gifts. Mark 15:40-41; Acts 9:36; Romans 16:1-2; I Corinthians 12:28


The ability to set goals in accordance with God’s purpose for the future and to communicate those goals to others in such a way that they voluntarily and harmoniously work together to accomplish those goals for the glory of God.
Acts 15:7-11; Romans 12:8; I Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:17


The ability to provide an open house and a warm welcome to those in need of food and lodging.


The ability to identify the unmet needs involved in a task related to God’s work and to make use of available resources to meet those needs and help accomplish the desired results.


The ability to understand clearly the immediate and long-range goals of a particular unit of the body of Christ and to devise and execute effective plans for the accomplishment of those goals.


The ability to know with assurance whether certain behavior purported to be of God is in reality divine, human, or satanic. The purpose of this gift is to prevent confusion and false teaching from infiltrating the church.


The ability to discern with extraordinary confidence the will and purpose of God, and to propel the body of believers into actively claiming the promises of God.


The ability to use one’s voice in the singing of praises to the Lord and for the benefit of others, or to play a musical instrument to praise the Lord and for the benefit of others.


The ability to speak a divinely anointed message in a language one has never learned, but one that is known to the hearers. Its purpose is an evangelistic tool for spreading the gospel.


The ability to serve as a human intermediary through whom it pleases God to perform powerful acts that are perceived by observers to have altered the ordinary course of nature.


The ability to use one’s hands, thoughts and mind to further thekingdom of God through artistic, creative means. People with this gift may also serve to lead others in forming their abilities in this area. The gift may also be used in the areas of maintenance, care and upkeep for the benefit and beautification of God’s kingdom here on earth.


The ability to serve as a human intermediary through whom God’s healing power is applied to another person’s physical or emotional need.


The ability to contribute material resources to the work of the Lord with liberality and cheerfulness.


The ability to feel genuine empathy and compassion for individuals who suffer distressing physical, mental or emotional problems and to translate that compassion into cheerfully-done deeds which reflect Christ’s love and alleviate the sufferings.


The ability to apply spiritual truth to a specific issue in an especially relevant fashion, and to make proper choices in difficult situations, based on sufficient information.


The ability to discover, accumulate, analyze and clarify information which is pertinent to the growth and well-being of the body.


The ability to minister words of encouragement, consolation, comfort and motivation from God’s Word to help others complete their tasks and be all that God wants them to be.


The ability to employ a logical, systematic approach to Biblical study and to communicate information relevant to the health and ministry of the body and its members in such a way that others will learn.

Pastoral Care

The ability to assume a long-term personal responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a group of believers.


The ability to assume and exercise general leadership over a number of churches, with an extraordinary authority in spiritual matters which is spontaneously recognized and appreciated by those churches.


The ability to minister WITH whatever other spiritual gifts one has in a second culture.


The ability to proclaim the Word of God with divine anointing, whichbrings conviction to the hearers so they recognize that it is truly the Word of God and they must do something about it.


The ability to share the gospel with unbelievers in such a way that men and women become Jesus’ disciples and esponsible members of the body of Christ.


The ability to pray for extended periods of time on a regular basis and see frequent and specific answers to prayer, to a degree much greater than that experienced by most Christians. Luke 22:41-44; Acts 12:12; Colossians 1:9-12; Colossians 4:12-13; I Timothy 2:1-2; James 5:14-16.

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Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

You have just begun a process of discovering your spiritual gifts. As you reflect on the gifts you have tentatively identified through the questionnaire, try to discern which ones truly are, or are not, your gifts. To do so, follow this five-step approach:

  1. EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITIES: Read through the three key chapters in the scriptures dealing with spiritual gifts (I Corinthians 12, Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:11-15), and 1 Corinthians 13. Learn what your gifts are, what characterizes them and how they function in the Body of Christ, so that you can have something concrete to look for as you move ahead.
  2. EXPERIMENT WITH AS MANY GIFTS AS POSSIBLE: The spiritual gifts analysis which you have just completed has helped you experiment with different gifts. Your feelings, reactions and general outlook on the gifts were measured as you worked through the discovery questionnaire. Now you need to experiment further with the gifts you pinpointed in the analysis. Unless you try the gifts this analysis has revealed, you will have a hard time knowing whether or not you really have them. Get involved in a ministry activity that will let you try out these gifts.
  3. EXAMINE YOUR FEELINGS: Since God has put the body together, you will feel fulfilled when functioning in the proper area. Thus, if you enjoy your attempts to use a particular gift, that is a good sign that you possess it. If, however, you dislike the service activities associated with a certain gift, that is a fairly good sign that you do not have it.
  4. EVALUATE YOUR EFFECTIVENESS: Since spiritual gifts are designed to benefit others, you should see positive results as you use your gift(s). If you see no results when you experiment with a particular gift, you probably do not have that gift. But it could be that you did not give it a fair try, or that it will simply take time for you to learn to use the gift effectively. As you evaluate, pray for the courage to be honest with yourself and with your Lord.
  5. EXPECT CONFIRMATION FROM THE BODY: You cannot discover, develop and use a gift all on your own. Gifts are given to build up other members of the Body. If you have a gift, other Christians will recognize it and confirm it. If you feel that you choose a particular gift but no one else agrees with you, then you should take a closer look at yourself and re-evaluate.

These five steps are more fully explained in C. Peter Wagner’s book, Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help You Grow. Remember, in all of these five steps, prayer is the key. The Lord will lead you to accurate discoveries of your gift(s) if you allow Him to guide and direct you in all your endeavors.

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