Why’s the Preacher Selling Insurance?




My fellow Christians might wonder: Why does this preacher sell Insurance?

LIC agents who hard sold life insurance till the year 2000 brought a bad name to the industry. Even today, people run away from insurance agents. In spite of this, I took this up. Why?

While in Kenya, I noticed a tradition. Whenever a person dies, his close friends form a committee. Members of the church, neighbors, colleagues, etc., are invited to a meeting. A quick collection is taken to meet the final expenses at the hospital, ambulance bills, funeral expenses, etc. (which can run into several lakhs or a million Shillings). As a pastor, I had to attend some of these fundraisers.

funeral in Meru, Kenya

I noticed that the loss of one family got transferred to a large group of people. I thought this was a great concept. Bear one another’s burdens, the Bible teaches us. Friends, relatives and church members act like an “insurance company”.


It was only by early 2024 I realised that insurance does the same thing. The burden due to a loss (illness, death, etc) is shared among a larger group.

Insurance is not a lottery—as some Christians think. Insurance is not about greed. It’s built on the biblical principles of equity, honesty, and wise provision for one’s loved ones.

In fact, insurance was invented by Joseph, the prime minister of Egypt. You know the story. When Egypt and the Ancient Near East were faced with a unprecedented famine, God did not rain manna upon the masses. He sent a young man called Joseph to Egypt. He was filled with God’s Spirit and wisdom. He advised the Pharaoh to make provision for the impending disaster by collecting a small “premium” from each citizen. Everyone had to contribute to Joseph’s storehouse a fifth of all the grain that he harvested. This massive corpus of grain saw Egypt and the nations around her through seven years of famine. If that isn’t insurance, what is?

What is the most important lesson that God wants us to learn from Joseph’s story? God keeps his people alive during a famine or a catastrophe through multiple means. He can work a miracle. That’s out of the ordinary. But in the regular course of events, God wants His people to prepare for any kind of disaster through wise planning. Instead of relying on the goodwill of friends and relatives, instead of raising funds during a famine or disease, we can create a corpus or a pool of resources long before disaster hits. Those who contribute to that pool should be the first ones who should get helped when an unforeseen difficulty strikes them. That’s insurance.

Instead of relying on the goodwill of friends and relatives, instead of raising funds during a famine or disease, we can create a corpus or a pool of resources long before disaster hits.


A pastor told me the other day, “I trust in God. That’s enough for me. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

Will his family say “Amen” to that? Will his death or illness be a “gain” to them, too?

One of the highest expressions of godliness is our love & concern towards the needy, especially widows and orphans.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27 NIV)

What’s the point of expressing charity towards someone else’s widow without thinking about the financial security of one's own wife & children?

What if God calls you home early? If a man fails to provide for his own, he is worse than an unbeliever! The scriptures say that.


In India, people willingly contribute towards the treatment costs of friends or relatives. But do we help widows and orphans tide over the long-term loss of income due to the death of a breadwinner? The loss is too big.

This is why life insurance is important. A large pool of funds is kept ready to. compensate those who experience loss. All you need to do is to contribute towards that pool in your own way. The earlier you do it, the better it is for your family.

A life insurance company that sends an official to a house of bereavement with a cheque of Rs 50 lakhs (5 million) or 1 crore (10 million) does greater service to the grieving widow/family than all relatives & friends who go there with mere words of comfort!

That’s why I’m in this line of service now! Call me. Let’s discuss about your family’s financial security.


Please read more about my services. Please feel free to Whatsapp me or call me for more information. We can meet and discuss various investment options that are most suited to your needs.