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If you are feeling suicidal now, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five minutes. I do not want to talk you out of your bad feelings. I am not a therapist or other mental health professional – only someone who knows what it is like to be in pain.
A Demon's Nightmare,
Attention Units 12-28-65 and 266, enemy sighted! Stand by for action!
The Bible teaches us that demons are evil spirits at war with God. They work 24x7 to keep us from knowing the one true God.
Here comes nothing but trouble
What could he be up to now?
Hi! - Mind if I sit down here?
Yes, we mind!
Tell that old goat to keep moving.
Say, Did you ever hear the story about the time God was murdered by man?
Uh No - No I haven't! When did this happen?
Ohhh No! You don't want to hear about it! You SAP -- He's setting you up for a kill!
We've got to break this up fast -- Ahhh I 've got it! Tactic #28 never fails!
This story starts way back when the Lord Jesus created the heavens and the earth.
The Lord Jesus?
Man oh man - Hey - Look at that! WoW! What a doll!
Sheesh! Well, there goes tactic #28.
Everything was created by Jesus - The Bible.
You see, God is holy! He will not allow sin in his presence! The Bible says, "There is none righteous, no not one." "For all have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God." By nature, man hates God.
You mean that mankind is LOST? That I'm going to hell?
Of course you jerk! Even we know that.
The demons too believe in God and they tremble - The Bible
Yes, son. As of right now, you are hopelessly lost! But God provided an escape. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life!"
Aieee! How I hate those words! Now we are going to lose another good man!
No we won't! Let's get out of here. The pressure from upstairs is getting unbearably hot. We'll go to work on the kid later.
Yes, it's the world's greatest love story. The Creator became flesh so he could become a human sacrifice for your sins. That's why he went to the cross -- to shed his precious blood for you and wash away your sins!
I guess the Lord knows every rotten thing I have ever done. I feel dirty inside. But what can I do to get right with Him?
Ohh that cross kills me! If we had only known that Jesus was going to rise from the dead! We should never have incited that mob to crucify him!
Oh shut up! Can't you ever drop that subject?
You must surrender your life to Jesus. Then you'll become a new person. Make Him the center of everything and you'll spend all eternity in glory with him. Simply trust him!
I will! Oh Lord Jesus! Forgive all my sins and come into my heart so that I can really live!
No! He did it! Didn't think he would.
This means a war to the death.
Here's the Word of God. This is your sword. Read it continuously and you'll grow in the Lord, and when you go to church, remember, keep your eyes on Christ—not on the people! And, read this daily without fail.
I do feel changed — something wonderful has happened.
@*# We've got to report this!
Special orders from the big boss downstairs. You two bunglers are to keep that kid away from the Bible at all cost. He's extremely dangerous. Don't fail or or else!
Don't worry chief. We'll crucify him.
Blast it. There you go again. Can't you use another term?
I wonder what my folks will say about my becoming a Christian?!
Remember, as long as his eyes are off Christ, you can make his life ineffectual. Use every trick in the book: money, sex, cares of the world, persecution! Anything goes.
In other words, Matthew 13, verses 18 through 22.
Our pleasure, chief.
Home sweet home!
A Christian! This kid has really flipped his lid! Now he says he's a Christian! Ohh that's great! That's all we need in this house — a fanatic!
Oooh nooo! What will our friends think of us! You must give up this silly idea. It's absolutely ridiculous.
Oh brother! won't this go over big with the boys!
Tsk tsk you poor thing. Socially, this could ruin our good name.
Even your family will hate you because of me - Jesus Christ
Oh Lord, what's happening?
Mother, isn't that a disgusting scene?
Dear! You're ruining your trousers! Your friends are waiting for you downstairs. Now for pity sakes, don't tell them what happened to you today!
Enjoy yourselves. And don't stay out too late!
Wait till you see what we have in the car!
Man oh man, are we gonna live to night?!
Yeah man! We have the whole evening planned out for you — you poor fish!