you are not willing to take the higher risk of investing – either directly or indirectly – in the stock
market even if it might yield a higher return
you want a low risk investment option that gives you guaranteed returns that are slightly higher than bank
fixed deposits
you are patient enough to invest a sum of money (in the case of single premium option) for a period of
twelve or fifteen years before getting the final maturity benefit; or,
you are willing to invest a sum of money regularly for 6, 8 or 10 years, and then, wait till the 12th or
15th year to get the maturity benefit;
you don’t mind getting a low sum assured as death benefit (as compared to the sum assured offered by term
Pay once or for a limited term, enjoy life insurance cover for full policy term
Avail guaranteed benefit as Lump sum or as Regular Income + Lump sum
Guaranteed Income during the payout term + 100% Return of Premium (RoP) at maturity
Maturity Benefits
Lump Sum Variant: Maturity benefit is received as a lump sum at the end of the chosen policy term. Maturity
Benefit is calculated as a fixed percentage of either Single Premium or the sum total of Annualized
Premium(s) payable under the Policy. No survival benefits applicable.
Income Variant: Maturity benefit is received as a lump sum at the end of the chosen policy term. Maturity
Benefit will be equal to 100% of the total premiums paid during the premium payment term. In addition, there
will be a survival benefit.
Death Benefit
Through out the Policy Term of 12 or 15 years in the Lump Sum Variant (see below), the sum assured is 12.5
times the annualised premium.
In the Income Variant option, sum assured is 12.5 times during the Premium Paying Term (5, 6, 7, 8, 10, or
12 years); during the income payout term, sum assured is slightly lower at 10 times the annualised premium.
Lump Sum Variant of Guaranteed Wealth Plus
Policy Term: 12 or 15 years
Premium Payment Term: 6, 8, or 10 years (Single/Limited Pay)
Minimum age at entry
3 years (under 15 year Policy Term, LP)
6 years (under 12 year Policy Term, LP)
Minimum age at maturity = 18 years
Maximum age at entry: 60 years
Maximum age at maturity = 75 years
Minimum Premium
Rs. 150,000 (Single Pay)
Rs. 75,000 (Annual)
Rs. 60,000 (Half-Yearly)
Rs. 10,000 (Monthly)
Maximum Premium: No Limit (Subject to approval)
Illustration: Lump Sum Variant with Single Premium
Illustration: Lump Sum Variant with Limited Premium Paying Term (6 years)
Illustration: Lump Sum Variant with Limited Premium Paying Term (10 years)
Income Variant of Guaranteed Wealth Plus
Policy Term: PPT + Payout Term
Premium Payment Term (PPT): 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, or 12 years
Payout Terms: 20, 25, 30, or 35 years
Minimum age at entry: Not applicable
Minimum age at maturity = 26 years
Maximum age at entry: 60 years
Maximum age at maturity = 103 years (LP)
Minimum Premium
Rs. 30,000 (Annual)
Rs. 15,000 (Half-Yearly)
Rs. 2,500 (Monthly)
Maximum Premium: No Limit (Subject to approval)
Illustration: Income Variant with Limited Premium Paying Term (6 years)
Illustration: Income Variant with Limited Premium Paying Term (10 years)
Lifelong regular income + Inbuilt whole life cover
IMPORTANT: This plan is suitable for you, if:
you are not willing to take the higher risk of investing – either directly or indirectly – in the stock
market even if it might yield a higher return
you want a low risk investment option that gives you somewhat guaranteed returns that are slightly higher
than or equal to bank fixed deposits
you are willing to invest a sum of money regularly for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 12 years (immediate income
option) or for 7, 8, 9, 10 or 12 years (deferred income option);
you don’t mind getting a low sum assured as death benefit (as compared to the sum assured offered by term
Key Features
Payouts from 1st month: Invest today and get tax free cash bonus (if declared) from next month onwards till
policy matures
Superior Bonus Rates: Get cash bonus (if declared) of upto 39.5% of annualized premium paid by you
Guaranteed Income: Receive tax free guaranteed income along with cash bonus (if declared) for fixed period
to reduce burden of EMIs, family expenses, medical exigencies
Payout Flexibility: You can withdraw the accrued Cash Bonuses (if declared) / Guaranteed Income partly/
fully at any point during the policy term
Return of Premiums paid: Get tax free Lumpsum amount on policy maturity to maintain your post retirement
The “immediate income” option of HDFC Life Sanchay Par Advantage plan is illustrated below.
Notice that the annual payout is less than that given out in the deferred income option. But the maturity
benefit in this option is much higher than that of the deferred income option. Click on the image to enlarge it.
The “deferred income” option of HDFC Life Sanchay Par Advantage plan is illustrated below.
Click on the image to enlarge it.
Eligibility Criteria
Entry Age(for both immediate income and deferred income options): Minimum 0 years (90
days); Risk commences from the first Policy Anniversary where age at entry is less than 1 year.
Maximum Entry Age(for immediate income option)
50 years for Premium Paying Term (PPT) of 5 years
65 years for Premium Paying Term (PPT) of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 12 years
Maximum Entry Age(for deferred income option)
55 years for Premium Paying Term (PPT) of 7 or 8 years
60 years for Premium Paying Term (PPT) of 9, 10 or 12 years
Policy Term: Whole life (till the age of 100 years)
Minimum Premium:
â‚ą 25,000 (Annual Frequency)
â‚ą 12,750 (Half-Yearly Frequency)
â‚ą 6,500 (Quarterly Frequency)
â‚ą 2,188 (Monthly Frequency)
Maturity Benefits (at 100 years)
Sum Assured on Maturity plus
Accrued Cash Bonuses, if not paid earlier plus
Interim Survival Benefit, plus
Terminal Bonus, (if declared)
Death Benefit
On the death of the life assured, a death benefit consisting of the following will be given to the nominee: